You know what? Being sick sucks. You know what sucks even more? Being sick when you have finally managed to get a good workout rhythm going and you are looking forward to constantly improving your fitness and getting better and better results.
On Monday I was supposed to have another workout session with the Personal Trainer, but I started feeling tired and quite strange in the afternoon. First I thought it was just some muscle pain from Sunday's Body Pump workout, but nope. By the time I got home I knew I was properly sick and the fever kept climbing all the way to 38,6 °C. Tuesday and Wednesday showed some signs of the fever letting go - until it jumped right back up to 38,4 °C on Thursday morning! I mean... WHAT the ****?! So off to the doctor I went and oh yay, bronchitis acuta something something was the verdict. And since according to my blood test it's a virus based decease the antibiotics would not help. Therefore I was only ordered to... wait for it... REST. *insert facepalm* I have been doing that for three days now! It's so boring! Help!
By my calculations this is now
the third time I have gotten sick during this whole Personal Trainer project: in Belgium
in July, in August after returning to work from the holiday in Spain
and Norway and now in September. My resistance power has completely gone down the drain
and the only major thing I am doing differently is exercising! Isn't
that supposed to help your body's resistance power and not weaken it?!
Anyway, let me introduce you to my Sickbed Buddies: woolly socks (a must), warm blanket, herbal drops, sinus rinser, some medication, loads of green or white tea with a good spoonful of honey (and I hate honey so I must be really sick) and thermometer. Of course my entertainment should also be mentioned: my laptop and tablet PC, magazines, mobile phone, TV... I noticed that playing Angry Birds fits my current mood perfectly.
Rinsing my sinuses this morning felt so good, after waking up with a terrible sinus pain and head ache. Sinus rinsing can look and sound a bit tricky but it's actually quite easy when you get the hang of it. Another thing I have tried to do to stop the bronchitis is breathing in some steam. You know the old trick, right? Boil some water and put it in a bowl, cover the bowl and your head with a towel and breathe. Apparently inhaling the steam through your mouth helps the steam to get to the bronchial tubes more effectively.
So, as I mentioned I'm supposed to rest until I'm healthy again. And I'm already so bored! Any suggestions for resting and entertaining myself at the same time? Or better yet - any suggestions for anything (legal) at all that would cure me faster?
Paranemisia! Ma en oo onneksi ollut hetkeen sairaana, mutta uusi flunssakausi on varmasti taas tulollaan.. Pienta nuhaa mulla aina silloin talloin, mutta ei mitaan sen vakavampaa. Otan heti kevyemmin paivan tai pari, jos kroppa tuntuu vasyneelta, koska se saattaa menna silla levolla jo ohi. Mulla ykkoslaakityksena on usein viinimarjamehu ja perussarkylaakkeet, kurkkupastilleja tarvittaessa, paljon c-vitamiinia ja vaan lepoa, lepoa, lepoa. Nukkumista, telkkaria, kirjoja ja tietokoneella surffailua. Oon huomannut, etta flunssa menee nopeammin ohi, jos ei oikeasti tee mitaan muuta kuin sairastaa kotona, mutta kipeana on tosi ikavaa. Mun aiti on muuten ollut vuosia sita mielta, etta meidan perheen sairastamattomuus lapsena/nuorena ja myohemminkin johtui runsaasta, ymparivuotisesta marjojen syonnista - en tieda pitaako se paikkaansa. Ma oon myos yleensa syonyt jotain monivitamiinia talvella, vaikken tieda olisiko se taalla tarpeellinen. Tapoja lapsuudesta :)
ReplyDeleteSuomessa taitaa flunssakausi olla nyt huipussaan, joka toinen tuntuu olevan sairaana tällä hetkellä. Toi on muuten ihan totta, että helpommin nuo taudit päästää otteestaan, jos vaan malttaa levätä ja parannella kunnolla. Lepääminen ja paikallaan makaaminen alkaa tosin tympiä meikäläistä ihan liian nopeasti ja tekisi mieli alkaa touhuilemaan vaikka mitä. Siivoaminenkin kiinnostaa yhtäkkiä paljon enemmän just silloin, kun pitäisi maata sängyssä/sohvalla peiton alla! :)